
Archive for April, 2011

Today was one of those rare days in Houston at this time of year: There was a breeze with just a touch of cool, but the air had a latent heat and the sun was shinning. It is the kind of day made for Jimmy Buffet or Bob Marley and some frosty margaritas or good beer. We usually have a few, precious few, of these days before it gets so grotesquely hot that no one, not even the bugs, venture outside. The boys and I spent the morning at a friend’s house, playing in the sprinklers and enjoying the day.

While I write this, I am uploading some pictures of Gideon coloring eggs and I realized that I take a lot of pictures of him in underwear and nothing else. I would not be surprised if the internet thinks that I never dress my child. He does occasionally wear clothes, but he would go naked all the time if it was socially acceptable.

Before we had Washington, I was warned that going from one to two was hard. I started to be a little worried about my ability to cope, but I am glad now for the warning, otherwise I might have wondered who stole my easy, biddable child and replaced him with an argumentative, uncooperative toddler.

Gideon is a great kid, but he is almost three and the main employment of a three year old is figuring out what they think, what they can do, and what they can get away with. Having a smart almost three year old means I also have to content with his highly rational reasons for why he chose to do whatever thing he was not supposed to be doing. We have spent the last month in power struggles with Gideon over the silliest things. Unfortunately for Gideon, he is not in charge of this house or himself even for most things, and it has been a hard lesson for him and a harder lesson for us to continue to enforce.

I have, many days, vacillated between wanting to beat him or wanting to cry at the futility of parenting. (no, I do not beat my child though some days, I really want to!) With a lot of prayer and some careful time spent doing more activities with Gideon (that is all he really wants anyway, a 24 hour play-mate mom), things are improving. He still has his 3 year old moments, he is three after all, but we have more good days than bad now.

Wash is still a pretty wonderful newborn, sleeping and eating night and day away. He is such a different eater than Gideon; we are just starting to get into our groove. I love having a nurseling again. His legs have fattened up enough to start wearing his cloth diapers, thank goodness, and I am very happy about that as well.

Being momma to two boys has been interesting so far and I expect it will continue to be even more interesting as they both get older.

I snapped this last weekend when Ries and Wash took a snooze on the couch.

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Growing Up

IMG_5369 by Wandering Eyre
IMG_5369, a photo by Wandering Eyre on Flickr.

Ries and Gideon went to the Easter festival for preschoolers at church today. Gideon has a marvelous time. There was a train, a petting zoo, pony rides, and of course an egg hunt.

Gideon spied this hay bale and told his Daddy, “That is for taking pictures.”

Sometimes, I look at him and think he is so grown up. When did he become a big kid?

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It is certainly different, having two kids. I know that challenges will continue as they grow. Right now, just getting them both out of the house is a production.

Gideon has been taking the transition from only to sibling ok except that he has been really challenging our authority. He is finding out all the same rules still apply, much to his dismay, and there have been many more spankings and time outs then normal. I sometimes feel like I spend more time yelling at him than talking to him, which is frustrating for me.

We have spent a lot of time on the couch, reading Where the Sidewalk Ends, so I am hoping that counts for something at the end of the day. We have some very generous friends who have been feeding us and a couple of them have brought things for Gideon. The thing he loved the most was a bug catcher’s kit.

He used the book, net, and magnifying glass to look for bugs all day, for about three days in row. It was great and kept him very happy. Currently, in typical almost three-year-old fashion, he is yelling at me from his room, insisting that his quiet time is over and he is not tired.

Riiiiiight. I have heard that song and dance before. It is the kind of song and dance where your partner insists he is a great dancer, but than tromps all over your toes while bumping into all the other couples.

Wash is great. He sleeps at night, only getting up once around 2 or 3. I am actually getting some sleep. I thought babies who slept were an urban legend. Seriously. People make that stuff up to torture new parents. Gideon still wakes up a couple times a night. When Gideon was little he woke up like clockwork, at 10, 12, 2, 4 and was up at 5 or 6. And by little I mean for the first 6 or 7 months.

I am sure the sleep patterns will shift, but for now, I am getting enough sleep. Ries, who is in charge of Gideon at night, is not getting as much as he would like.

I feel incredibly blessed to be a mom, even though I mostly wonder what the heck I am doing. Plus, my boys are really very adorable.

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