
Archive for the ‘family’ Category

I have the best in-laws on the planet because when they returned from their latest trip, this is what they brought me:

Jewelry and Scotch

I asked my mother-in-law for a handsome Scottish man with a brogue and a kilt, but I do not think Gerard Butler would have fit in their luggage.  My parents are on a trip to the Greek isles at this moment and I have to say, the bar is pretty high. I suggested they bring us a bottle of Ouzo.

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A very dear lady at church gave me a book to read called Start Your Family by Steve and Candice Watters. It is an encouraging book for those of us already on the path to raising a Godly family and it is a charge for thoswe who have not yet begun to start and to do so boldly.

I just finished a chapter entitled, “Sacrifice.” In it there was a quote from Martin Luther in his essay The Estate of Marriage that I thought was timely, given our impending arrival.

0 God, because I am certain that thou hast created me as a man and hast from my body begotten this child, I also know for a certainty that it meets with thy perfect pleasure. I confess to thee that I am not worthy to rock the little babe or wash its diapers. or to be entrusted with the care of the child and its mother. How is it that I, without any merit, have come to this distinction of being certain that I am serving thy creature and thy most precious will? 0 how gladly will I do so, though the duties should be even more insignificant and despised. Neither frost nor heat, neither drudgery nor labour, will distress or dissuade me, for I am certain that it is thus pleasing in thy sight.

It is a nice reminder that though time has passed, though we have added many trappings to parenthood, and though we have tried to redefine what it means to have children, bearing and raising children has always been and will always be about learning to be selfless and sacrificial.

It is for this reason that being a parent brings out both the best and the worst in us, because we are often asked to give more than we have only to find that God has filled in the gaps of our abilities.

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Originally uploaded by Wandering Eyre

Meet the newest addition to the Smith Zoo, Wicket, an 8 week old Great Dane. We got her from a local dane rescue group.

So far she is fitting in very nicely. She has some manners to learn and we are working on house training but she is a sweet girl. Gideon is very timid with her, as he is with most smaller dogs, and trying to figure out how to tell her no.

Pullo likes her, though he pretends to be aloof. He needed a big dog friend and she is already very feisty with him.

I am looking forward to being past the puppy stage, which is cute, but a lot of extra work.

Updated: I should add that the name Wicket comes from me listening to too much Slice of SciFi which discussed this character recently in a trivia bit.

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The Smiths recently returned from a week long camping trip in the mountains of Colorado. While we do tent camp, we do not backpack camp. I have a friend that refers to this as “fat camping” because if you are not carrying it around you are fat and lazy. We tent camped with a king size air mattress (yes our tent is that big) and it is a good thing: All four of us slept on it every night, Ries, myself, Gideon, and Pullo (who kept our feet warm in the cold mountain air).

Here we are on our hike on Inter-Laken Trail in Twin Lakes, CO. Notice Pullo’s shoes in the photo.

Trip stats:

    Hours to travel there: 23
    Days it rained: pretty much every one, a shower at least
    Days it rained continuously and we considered leaving altogether: 3
    Generations on the camping trip: 4
    Tents: 2
    Popups and RVs: 2
    Cushy accommodations (aka RVs and popups) slept in by the “Old Folks”: 2
    Miles hiked: 5
    Miles driven during the trip: 3,018
    Spoiled dogs who required their own hiking shoes: 1
    Showers taken: one on Wednesday
    Baths taken by Gideon: 3, one in the fancy RV!
    Peeps harmed and consumed in the Great Campfire Roasting of 2010: 12
    Nights I had to leave the tent to go to the bathroom (outhouse really) and wonder if a bear would eat me: all of them
    Towns visited: Telluride (gondolas!), Mountain Village, Ouray (hot springs!), Leadville
    Hours to travel home: 20

It was a nice trip though it rained constantly the first three days we were in Telluride. We actually left that area Tuesday, after realizing that the rain would not stop and the tents had taken all the moisture they were going to deal with before the rain came inside in buckets. Once in Leadville, where we hooked up with my grandparents, the weather was amazing, with the normal mountain showers and sunshine.

We hiked Inter-Laken trail, a short 5 mile hike to an abandoned resort on Twin Lakes. Pullo wore his saddle bags and new hiking shoes and I think 5 miles is about all he is able to go. He was very pooped at the end of the day. Gideon made it about a third of the way and then was passed around for the rest of the journey.

We ended up in Leadville for their annual Boom Days festival which is a fun weekend of small town festivities, including a pancake breakfast, parade, and mining events.

I loved being in the mountains again. It has been too long since I have been surrounded by my favorite views. Gideon had a wonderful time being dirty all week and being spoiled by Grammy and Oma (whose idea of a morning snack is Green Tea and an Oreo cookie). The day after we got back, he cried and asked to go back to the campsite to Oma.

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This is less a recipe and more a secret that ever after made my chicken and turkey salad great every time.

On a side note: Yes, it is not Monday. Yes, I know that the recipes have been late often, but I decided that once a week, sometime is good enough for you! Carry on.

Back when Ries and I were still dating, I went back to Ohio with him for Christmas one year. I am glad that we made the trip; it was the only time I met his Granny, who was a wonderful, sweet lady. Like many lessons well learned, this one was shared in the kitchen with family running around and the ladies chatting in the kitchen.

Ries’ mom, Cindy*, was turning the leftover turkey into the obligatory turkey salad when she divulged the secret of making great turkey salad.


I know. I know. You probably already put celery in your turkey salad, but it is the proportion that is the secret. When making turkey or chicken salad, the mixture should be half meat and half celery. Sounds simple, but once I started adhering to that rule of thumb, my turkey salad, no matter what else I put in it, turns out perfect.

I make turkey and chicken salad in a dump, taste, and add manner so I am just going to list ingredients that I often put in with some approximations and let you experiment yourself with actual proportions. Ries is probably reading this and having an apoplexy.

Turkey or Chicken Salad

    chopped turkey or chicken
    chopped celery in equal proportions to the meat
    1 tbl mustard (if I am feeling really fancy I use Dijon)
    dash salt
    dash pepper
    2 dashes Worcestershire sauce

Mix all ingredients well. Eat on a sandwich, crackers, or all by itself. Yum!

*Cindy, whom my brother-in-law has deemed The MacGyver of the kitchen.

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Originally uploaded by Wandering Eyre

When we went for our check-up in December, we walked by Pod C, where Gideon was when he was the most sick. It made my heart flutter to look at him, so big, and remember him small and hooked up to the ECMO machine. Here are my boys, almost two years later.

Sometimes, I can not believe what a gift we have been given. I know that God has plans for our family and we never forget why we have each day.

Every day is a gift from God.

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Between traveling to and fro to various family holiday goings and a very bad bout of food poisoning that Ries saw fit to pick up, this family has been hopping since last week. Sorry for the lack of, anything. I would have posted a recipe yesterday, but I was caring for the recovering Ries and a Gideon who is overjoyed and energetic with his new toys.

Ries was well enough to travel north for a brew date with his brother-in-law Keith this afternoon, so I had the house to myself and I actually got some writing done. Miracles never cease.

The big news was that Gideon got his first haircut today! If I get a chance, I will get those pics up tonight. My boys are on their way home and I am unsure what they will need from Momma this evening.

So I hope your holidays were fun and sick free! Pictures and stories… forthcoming.

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It is strange how life reminds you of your past in the least expected ways. I found out today that the daughter of a friend had her baby 14 weeks early. They are in the NICU with their little boy and he has good days and bad days. Today was a bad day for him.

A couple of days ago, another friend called me for new Mommy advice and I realized that her baby is as old as Gideon was when we finally brought him home. Some of the things she has struggled with, like that grueling 3 week growth spurt, we never struggled through. I think then we were still trying to get off the ventilator.

Every single day I am thankful for my child. There are not very many days that I forget the first 5 weeks of his life, that he . I never, ever forget he is a gift from God given to this family to care for. Even when he is whiny, clingy, and Mr. Sad-My-Teeth-Are-Bothering-Me boy who got up at 4 am this morning. 4 am!

I still love him.

We took a nap together today and that made us both a bit happier.

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Originally uploaded by Wandering Eyre

This post is a few days late, but life has been busy.

Gideon has a new cousin! Isaac Audie Murrell was born on April 23rd. He shares his birthday with Ries.

I am happy Isaac is here and that his parents are adjusting reasonably well. As well as two sleep deprived individuals can be doing.

Gideon will no longer be alone in the limelight, but I think his ego can handle it. He has already confided in me that he was getting tired of being smothered by all those grandmas and he is happy there are more cheeks to kiss.

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Those Left Behind

I have wonderful in-laws. They are here about once a week to visit Gideon. Gammy (Cindy) is afraid that Gideon will forget her if too much time lapses. They arrive and swoop the baby away to go to Wal-Mart or the Dollar Store (my MIL favorite stores). I get a little quiet and time to myself.  Sometimes, they clean while they are here too. I always feel like Cindy is disappointed if there are not dust bunnies for her to vanquish.

One of the running jokes about Cindy is that she always leaves things at my house.  Sometimes, I know about the things. Sometimes, I am surprised by an item that turns up.

She has various reasons for leaving things. Cindy has that compulsion that all mothers have to bring food to their children. Regardless of age, mothers always feel the need to feed their children. My mother usually wants to send leftovers home with us, especially if it is protein related, as if I never feed my husband meat. Cindy usually brings and leaves food she thinks we need or would like. She also brings things she likes so that they are here when she visits.  Children should always accept food from their mothers. It reminds the children that our mothers think of us often and love us and it reassures the mothers that their children will always need them. Both of these things are true.

In the past things that have been left, stealthily or not, include dry roasted peanuts, pillows, and bottles of wine (which normally would be great but this is really, really bad wine).  Monday, Cindy was at my house for the weekly visit and brought us the following:

  • A loaf of cinnamon bread
  • A loaf of oatmeal bread (homemade)
  • 2 half gallons of ice cream: Blue Bell Pecan Pralines and Cream and Blue Bell Mocha Madness

Tuesday morning, I discovered the following in my pantry:

  • One can of Diet Vanilla Pepsi
  • One snack size Sour Skittles

I know she left the Pepsi for next time, but I can not figure out the Skittles.

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On Rejecting Advice

When one has a child there are a lot of decisions to be made, starting with the kind of birth you want and continuing on to almost every minutia of your child’s life. It can be exhausting. After you make a decision, you then often have to clarify and defend it to those around you. Irritating that. My response to yet another well intentioned suggestion/advice, the advice being that Gideon should eat a sugar cookie and later a hot dog! of all things, was the following:

If you want to feed a child all that crap, feel free to have another one and feed it all the crap you want. Gideon can wait to eat that stuff. As long as I get to choose what he eats, he will eat stuff that is good for him.


Sometimes, I just get tired of being nice. That gem was from my dad, who I am positive, just likes to irritate me.

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It was a banner year at the Smith House. Gideon liked opening presents, though he liked the bows and paper more than the actual gifts. Of course.

Our Christmas was a three day extravaganza. It started at the Smith/Hewson house on the 23rd. We did the full Christmas dinner and presents. On the 24th, we went to the Boule Christmas. On the 25th, we proceeded to the Sauser Christmas.

At the end of three days of presents, family, food, drink, and driving all over town, we were tired and worn out. We spent the 26th laying around the house. It was nice not to have to go anywhere. Now, days later, we are still recovering. It was nice, but in a way I am glad we only have to do it once a year. I think it would lose the appeal if we did it more often. I love the bustle, but the recovery and laziness is nice too.

Gideon received enough clothes to last until Summer (thanks to everyone!) and a small handful of toys. Ries and I got a homebrew kit so we can make all that expensive beer we like to drink. I will let Ries tell about that.

It was a fun and we are blessed by our large and loving families.

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Baking Day

I am still suffering from a post baking day hangover. A hangover from eating too many cookies and M&Ms while making dozens and dozens of my favorite treats. Of course, it does not help that I have been snacking on said cookies since Saturday. The hair of the dog and all that nonesense.

Gideon and I spent Saturday in a time honored ritual in which my family bakes cookies to give away to friends, neighbors, and family. We made sugar cookies of various sizes and shapes, molasses cookies, date bars,  Florence Greeners (a bar named after the woman that always made them for my sister’s in-laws), M&M cookies, peanut butter cup cookies, peanut brittle, and raspberry swirl cookies (these were tasty but ugly so they went straight into our bellies).

We had fun and Gideon was able to show off his new crawling skills to Oma.

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Give Thanks

I meant to actually post this on Thanksgiving but I have been sick all weekend.

However, I thought this was an opportunity to give thanks for everything this crazy year.  It has easily been the most trying year of my life.  But not for a second do I regret that.  I gladly give thanks to God for what he has given my family.  The trouble and strife that God allows to befall us just clears our minds of the things that are not important and brings us closer to Him.  At least that is how it worked for me.  I wish I could say it has the same effect on others.  I will try to keep this short and list the things that I am most thankful this year.

  • My son.  To me that says everything.  He is so precious.  He is the best.  I was so excited for his arrival and God wanted to make sure that I really knew what I was getting into.  I didn’t.  But it makes him all the more precious.
  • My self-sacrificing wife who gave up a career that she loved and her perceived identity to do what is best for our family.
  • Surviving Hurricane Ike.  Honestly, I never worried much, because that is not what I do, especially over things that you have little control over.  But I thank the Lord that all my friends and family that live in this area came out safely.
  • Family and Friends.  Their support, their love, their giving, and their companionship.  They are what makes life more than mere survival.
  • My family who have left in the last year.  You will be missed and I hope you all find a nice cozy spot and a rewarding task where you have gone.
  • Aggie basketball as it helps me mourn the passing of Aggie football.

And finally to you, the readers of this blog.  This has been a new experience for me but a rewarding one.  It scares me and excites me to know that people will actually be reading this.  So, if you are thankful and have the desire to post a comment then send a shout out just to say thanks.  We enjoy hearing from you.

-Ries, if your thankful and you know it clap your hands.

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Florida Vacation

Tonight we are going to cram ourselves, my parents, my sister and husband, along with all our luggage into our SUV and head east to Florida.  We are meeting with a few of the Miesmers (my mom’s family, they reside in Ohio) out at Panama City.  My uncle owns a condo and a lakehouse out there and we have rented another condo.  I’m not sure what, if anything, has been planned but I plan to enjoy getting away from the Ike recovery madness for a little bit of relaxing on the beach in the sun.

This will be Gideon’s first experience with a beach and I am excited to play out with him and all his new beach toys.

Unfortunately, I can’t leave my whole life behind, I have to bring some schoolwork with me but I plan on being as relaxed as possible.

-Ries, soon to be relaxed (emphasis on the future state of being)

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Not much of a story.  I must say that we are once again blessed beyond what we deserve.  Still, I would be lying if I said I wasn’t a little dissappointed.  Come on, how can you not love the drama?

We evacuated Thursday afternoon (should have left Friday morning, but my wife nags effectively) and made it up to my sister’s house in the Heights (NW side of Houston inside the loop).  We weren’t doing that whole 18 hour drive to College Station again.

We rode out the storm with the power going out around 9:30 on Friday evening.  Later that night we had to bail out water as the balconies leaked onto the second floor.  It was a pretty significant water.  Then later my sister’s locked double door got blown open.  So all and all it was a windy night with lots of rain.  The streets flooded and LOTS of trees were down.  But honestly, it was less exciting than I was hoping for but I know that is a good thing.

The next day we spent some time sweltering in the humidity and trying to clean up some downed trees so that people could pass through the streets, unlike the fire trucks that couldn’t get to the burning house in the middle of the storm.  I got some poison ivy during the clean up but how is that different than any other time I spend working outside.

It rained significantly later that night and the streets flooded again.  I convinced Michelle that there was no reason to hurry home on Sunday so we waited there another day.  We left the dog and sugar glider at my sister’s house and went to check on the house in the morning.  To our surprise, the house couldn’t have been in better shape.  We lost a couple of the trees that are between our house and the lake and a few of the smaller branches were in my yard.  The only damage of any kind came as a result of our beverage fridge in the living room loosing power and defrosting on the the floor, that caused a minor amount of warping on the edges of the board.  A simple towel would have fixed that problem.

There were a lot of downed fences and even a hummer that spent the next week submerged in the drainage ditch.  Going through Kemah and Seabrook you can see boats everywhere.  It is actually quite amusing.  I wonder how many people are still trying to find their boat.

Even more amazing when we got to our house was the fact that we had power.  Halleluiah!  We even had cable so we watched some news so that we could see what was actually going on in our city.  We still had ice in the freezer so we took it with us back to the Heights and grabbed our animals and went back home.

For some strange reason our cable was out when we got back and we have not gotten cable or internet back since.  We try to keep perspective because we know there is a lot of people who still don’t have power, food, or worse.  But it is crazy how much you grow to depend on TV and internet until you don’t have it.  My sister and parents still don’t have power.  My parents have been riding out this whole thing while trying to fight a flu that is going around.  I started back to work and school today.

Hopefully things can start to get back to normal.

–Ries, now has something in common with Tina Turner

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Family Portrait

Family Portrait

Originally uploaded by Wandering Eyre

So whose head is the roundest in this picture? I know it is not mine.

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Babies are Contagious

Baby News

Originally uploaded by Wandering Eyre

Gideon will have a cousin that will be born around his birthday. We are very excited for my sister and her husband. On Labor Day weekend, they came downstairs wearing these shirts.

I was the first one to notice.

Congratulations to the two who will soon be three. Hooray for babies.

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