
Archive for the ‘inlaws’ Category

I have the best in-laws on the planet because when they returned from their latest trip, this is what they brought me:

Jewelry and Scotch

I asked my mother-in-law for a handsome Scottish man with a brogue and a kilt, but I do not think Gerard Butler would have fit in their luggage.  My parents are on a trip to the Greek isles at this moment and I have to say, the bar is pretty high. I suggested they bring us a bottle of Ouzo.

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This is less a recipe and more a secret that ever after made my chicken and turkey salad great every time.

On a side note: Yes, it is not Monday. Yes, I know that the recipes have been late often, but I decided that once a week, sometime is good enough for you! Carry on.

Back when Ries and I were still dating, I went back to Ohio with him for Christmas one year. I am glad that we made the trip; it was the only time I met his Granny, who was a wonderful, sweet lady. Like many lessons well learned, this one was shared in the kitchen with family running around and the ladies chatting in the kitchen.

Ries’ mom, Cindy*, was turning the leftover turkey into the obligatory turkey salad when she divulged the secret of making great turkey salad.


I know. I know. You probably already put celery in your turkey salad, but it is the proportion that is the secret. When making turkey or chicken salad, the mixture should be half meat and half celery. Sounds simple, but once I started adhering to that rule of thumb, my turkey salad, no matter what else I put in it, turns out perfect.

I make turkey and chicken salad in a dump, taste, and add manner so I am just going to list ingredients that I often put in with some approximations and let you experiment yourself with actual proportions. Ries is probably reading this and having an apoplexy.

Turkey or Chicken Salad

    chopped turkey or chicken
    chopped celery in equal proportions to the meat
    1 tbl mustard (if I am feeling really fancy I use Dijon)
    dash salt
    dash pepper
    2 dashes Worcestershire sauce

Mix all ingredients well. Eat on a sandwich, crackers, or all by itself. Yum!

*Cindy, whom my brother-in-law has deemed The MacGyver of the kitchen.

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Those Left Behind

I have wonderful in-laws. They are here about once a week to visit Gideon. Gammy (Cindy) is afraid that Gideon will forget her if too much time lapses. They arrive and swoop the baby away to go to Wal-Mart or the Dollar Store (my MIL favorite stores). I get a little quiet and time to myself.  Sometimes, they clean while they are here too. I always feel like Cindy is disappointed if there are not dust bunnies for her to vanquish.

One of the running jokes about Cindy is that she always leaves things at my house.  Sometimes, I know about the things. Sometimes, I am surprised by an item that turns up.

She has various reasons for leaving things. Cindy has that compulsion that all mothers have to bring food to their children. Regardless of age, mothers always feel the need to feed their children. My mother usually wants to send leftovers home with us, especially if it is protein related, as if I never feed my husband meat. Cindy usually brings and leaves food she thinks we need or would like. She also brings things she likes so that they are here when she visits.  Children should always accept food from their mothers. It reminds the children that our mothers think of us often and love us and it reassures the mothers that their children will always need them. Both of these things are true.

In the past things that have been left, stealthily or not, include dry roasted peanuts, pillows, and bottles of wine (which normally would be great but this is really, really bad wine).  Monday, Cindy was at my house for the weekly visit and brought us the following:

  • A loaf of cinnamon bread
  • A loaf of oatmeal bread (homemade)
  • 2 half gallons of ice cream: Blue Bell Pecan Pralines and Cream and Blue Bell Mocha Madness

Tuesday morning, I discovered the following in my pantry:

  • One can of Diet Vanilla Pepsi
  • One snack size Sour Skittles

I know she left the Pepsi for next time, but I can not figure out the Skittles.

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